
Welcome Class of 2025

Students should observe modesty when dressing up for Senior Masses (that take place during the school day), including Grandparents Mass. The following guidelines are posted:

  • Shirt and tie, collared shirt, polo shirt, or sweater (no t-shirts) are acceptable. Students who choose to wear a shirt and tie must wear their shirt tucked in and a belt.
  • Dress pants or khakis are appropriate. Pants should not have holes or rips. Jeans are not
  • Dress shoes are preferred


  • Shirts or sweaters must not be sheer, low-cut or form-fitting. Please do not expose bare
  • Skirts and dresses must be no shorter than two inches above the top of the knee.
  • Colored jeans (not denim blue) with no holes or rips are acceptable but must be worn with a modest-length shirt. Yoga pants are not acceptable.
  • Low-heeled shoes are suggested
  • View Living Rosary Dress Code
  • View Graduation Dress Code

If you are in doubt about what is appropriate or acceptable, please consult with an administrator or a teacher before Mass. Students who do not follow this outline run the risk of losing future dress-up privileges. The administration will be holding separate meetings for senior girls and senior boys to discuss expectations.

Meningococcal Vaccine Requirements for Seniors

Timely attention to senior vaccines is important, especially the Meningococcal vaccines. There are 2 different meningococcal vaccines (MCV4 and Meningococcal B).

  • Students are REQUIRED to have the 2 MCV4 vaccines (Meningococcal) vaccine before the start of his/her Senior year at BCHS. Please Note: individuals who receive dose one on or after the 16th birthday only need one dose of MCV4, per the Indiana State guidelines.
  • Meningococcal B vaccinations are “recommended” for Senior year, however, most colleges and universities require the two-shot series prior to admission.
  • Proof of immunization records may be faxed to 317-251-3648 or emailed to the school nurses, via
  • Further immunization information can be found on the Parent page>>Resources tab
  • Questions? Contact the BCHS Nursing Office at 317-251-1451 ext: 2245 or at

List of required vaccinations from

  • Visit your school counselor often to keep her up-to-date with your plans.
  • Read your email from your colleges and from Mrs. Saurine
  • Check the main BCHS calendar to see which college reps will be visiting BCHS. Sign up for these meetings in SCOIR.
  • Check our College and Career Roadmap webpage to view a brief summary of items you should attend to. This area also includes links to scholarships, athletics info, and more.
  • Attend official college visits on college campuses with your parents/student.
  • Bring documentation of scholarships and college acceptances to the School Counseling office for publication
  • Read admissions requirements on each of your college’s websites so you don’t miss any important materials as part of your application!
  • Check the websites of those colleges that interest you throughout the year for information on deadlines, scholarship opportunities, visit days, open houses, etc.
  • Check the first-year scholarship webpage for each of your colleges to understand how scholarship awards work for that school
  • Complete all scholarship and college applications online and promptly. Allow 10 full working days for processing of e-transcripts, Electronic Secondary School Reports (ESSR), and recommendations.
  • Know your deadlines and be courteous! Always request letters of recommendation from teachers in advance, at least 10 full working days.
  • Call your college’s admissions office if you are unsure your materials were received, if you can’t get into your computing account, or if you have any detailed questions.
  • Read every BCHS Weekly Parent Newsletter.
  • Visit this senior page often for up-to-date BCHS information for your senior student. Visit the the College & Career Roadmap for action plans throughout the year.
  • Ask your child to add you on Scoir so that you receive scholarship notifications, communications from the college counselor, and college visit notifications
  • Remind your senior of approaching deadlines. Help your student keep track of college and scholarship applications. Do not complete applications for them.
  • Provide credit card information, if needed, for online applications
  • Encourage your senior to write ‘thank you’ notes to teachers who provide recommendations
  • Remind your senior to bring documentation of scholarships and college acceptances to the guidance office.
  • Cheer you on! I love seeing you succeed and love celebrating with you!
  • Post and update information on college reps visits, colleges, scholarships, and deadlines on the College & Career Roadmap.
  • Process transcripts, ESSR, and letters of recommendation when requested by the student in
    Scoir and process within 10 working days.
  • Send newsletter updates to answer common questions and notify you of general admissions guidelines (please note: you need to look at your specific schools to be sure you aren’t missing anything specific!)
  • Schedule College Rep visits here at BCHS
  • Post all scholarship and college acceptance information at the end of each grading period.
While our College counselor is out for maternity leave, please contact Monica Helfrich at with any questions.

Visit the College and Career Roadmap
The roadmap page gives a timeline of action items and helpful links by class year. It replaces the College Counseling website. Consult it and the links below often.

College Reps at BCHS — Visiting a College Campus — College Fairs

College Reps at BCHS
During the fall, college representatives visit Bishop Chatard. Access the calendar of their visits through your Scoir account and register there in advance so we can choose a space that will accommodate everyone.

Why Attend a College Rep Visit?

  1. It shows interest: Many colleges track students’ demonstrated interest. (If a student shows up at the high school meeting, it goes into the application record and can help chances of admission or scholarship. It is a reality of the admissions process these days.)
  2. Evaluate Fit: This is a great chance for you to find out whether schools are a good fit for your academic statistics (GPA and test scores) and desired majors.
  3. Discover Opportunities: Learn about deadlines, special scholarships, and important information regarding your applications to your top choice schools.
  4. Explore Options: Hear about schools you may not have previously considered.

College Visits
Nothing helps students and families more in the college search process than making an official college visit to schools of interest. While many visits can be scheduled on non-school days, students may occasionally need to take a school day off for this purpose.

  • Meet the College Rep at the school: Admission counselors for colleges are often assigned to work with BCHS students. Visit the college’s website to find your designated counselor, typically under a “Find My Counselor” link. They’re your resource and advocate, so make use of their expertise!
  • Virtual Visits: Many colleges offer virtual programs—check their websites for details.
Seniors are encouraged to visit colleges during the PSAT testing day in mid-October. Seniors also have 2 excused absences for college visits during the year.

College Visit Procedure
To make a physical visit to a college during a school day:

  1. Register in advance for the visit on college’s website.
  2. Notify BCHS: Parents must report the absence on the day of the college visit via SafeArrival software.
  3. Verify Your Visit: Provide verification or an itinerary (including date, time, and duration) to Mrs. Fagan or Mr. Reilly in the main office upon your return. This is necessary to be considered an excused absence.
  4. Good Standind: Ensure satisfactory attendance and adherence to BCHS guidelines for visits.
  5. Extended Absence?: If you need a pre-arranged absence form for an extended absence, see Mr. Reilly.

College Fairs
Local college fairs throughout the year offer another way to gather valuable information. Check the calendar on the School Counseling page.

October 9, 2024, is Campus Visit Day / SAT at BCHS day for seniors.
Admissions offices tend to receive many requests for campus visits on this day, so schedule your student’s visit early. (It is PSAT testing day for all other students.) The SAT will also be available to seniors who have yet to take the exam or wish to improve their scores. (Another visit day is after the Living Rosary on Oct. 1, 2024.).

College Financial Aid: FAFSA

FAFSA application, required by Indiana for all families of seniors, opens on October 1, 2024. It’s best to complete it as soon as possible.

Save These 2024-25 Dates!

  • College Application Help Night at BCHS: September 22 Parents & students are welcome.
  • College Financial Aid Information Night: September 24
    All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend this presentation by INvestED during Progress Report Night, September 24, 2024, at BCHS.
  • College GO! Week is Sept. 23 – 27: Many IN colleges waive their application fees during this week. Set your goal to finish and submit your applications this week!
  • FAFSA Filing Event: November 2024
    BCHS will be hosting a FAFSA Filing Event presented by INvestED in November. Watch this space for details.

Common Application

Common Application

Many colleges, but not all, accept the common application. Specific college websites will let you know; there is also a list of schools on the common app website. You complete the common application online, then send to as many schools as you like.

Application Dates

  • August 1, 2024: begins the college application cycle for the Class of 2025. Most colleges will have application requirements on their website up-to-date at this point.
  • August 8 & 9, 2024, during seminar, there will be an all-senior meeting with the college counselor to get started on the Common Application, talk about letters of recommendation, etc.
  • August – October is the time to watch priority deadlines for university applications very carefully. Almost all universities, including IU and Purdue, have priority deadlines in the fall.
  • September 24, 2024: INvestED will be at BCHS for a College Financial Aid Meeting for parents. This will be held during Progress Report Night.
  • October 1, 2024, is when the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) opens. To be eligible
    for state, federal, and some institutional aid, students should fill this out promptly.
  • October 18, 2024, is the final request date for all E-transcripts, ESSR, and other application materials to be processed before November 1. To request these documents for applications, students must move colleges to their “applied” column in their Scoir “My Colleges” list. Once they do that, their counselor will be notified that they need transcripts sent to those schools. Students must also request test scores to be sent to each school directly from ACT/College Board.
  • May 1, 2023, is National College Decision Day. You must submit a deposit to your school of choice to
    hold your spot in the incoming class.

SAT/ACT Tests & Score Submissions


All transcripts will be sent by BCHS through SCOIR. It is important that students move the college into the ‘Applying’ or ‘Applied’ column in the SCOIR ‘My Colleges’ list, so Mrs. Saurine will know to send a transcript.

Request Deadlines
October 18, 2023 is the final request deadline for all E-transcripts, ESSR (Electronic Secondary School Report), and scholarship applications to be processed before the November 1 deadline. You must also request test scores to be sent to each school directly from the ACT/College Board.

College Athletics Information

All athletes interested in playing sports in college need to register with the appropriate organizations.

Letters of Recommendation

After you contact your teacher about a letter of recommendation, request your letter of recommendation through SCOIR. Even though you are submitting your applications through Common App, your letter of recommendation needs to be processed through SCOIR.

Give those you’ve asked AT LEAST 2-3 WEEKS to write the letter of recommendation.