BCHS Parents


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Parents are always welcome at the School Masses! View Schedule

Trinity Club

Simply by being a BCHS parent or guardian, you are already a member!

Learn More Volunteer

The Bishop Chatard Trinity Club is the original parent organization at BCHS still going strong today. Engagement in the Trinity Club enables parents to stay actively involved in the lives of students and the Bishop Chatard School community. In the process, friendships are made and bonds are created that will last well beyond your children’s high school years!


Athletic Booster Club

Bishop Chatard’s Athletic Booster Club supports student-athletes and athletic programs at BCHS. Events are sponsored throughout the school year to encourage participation in athletics and to support the school’s over 20 sports teams. The Athletic Booster Club welcomes all parents, past parents, alumni, and Trojan fans in the community to join.

Theatre Booster Club

Bishop Chatard’s Theatre Booster Club supports its student thespians and theatre department by assisting with production needs, volunteering at events, and planning activities that encourage student involvement in the theatre program. New members are always welcome!


Music Booster Club

Bishop Chatard’s vibrant music program is supported by its Music Booster Club. View performance schedules for the school year and read about the activities of our accomplished musicians.


Business Office

The business functions of Bishop Chatard High School, including tuition and financial aid, are managed by business office personnel.
The Bishop Chatard Business Office is located in the St. Benedict Center, located at the south end of the Bishop Chatard campus. The entrance to this building faces Crittenden Ave.

Meet the Business Staff

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Intro to FACTS
Free/Reduced School Meals

How Do I Make Tuition Payments?

Bishop Chatard offers parents several tuition payment options and plans. Payments can be made through FACTS, by cash or check.

Learn More

How Do I Apply For Financial Aid?

Families seeking financial aid from Bishop Chatard are required to submit a BCHS financial aid application through FACTS to begin the process. All families who receive a BCHS financial aid award must also complete applications for Indiana Choice Scholarship (vouchers) and tax credit scholarships (SGOs).

Learn More

LIST OF COMMON BCHS FORMS Parent App Installation

Updated October 2024

For cancellations or two-hour delays, our goal is to notify parents and families by 6:00 a.m. If there is a decision to delay, we will continue to monitor the condition of our surrounding roads.

Bishop Chatard will communicate school status with families through:

  • Local TV stations: Channel 4 (CBS), Channel 6 (ABC), Channel 8 (CW), Channel 13 (NBC) and Channel 59 (FOX)
  • The BCHS website in the News/Events area
  • The main BCHS school social media accounts: Facebook, X and Instagram
  • Via text, phone and email message

In the event of a cancellation, Bishop Chatard High School’s campus will be closed during school hours, and we conduct school as an e-learning day. Students and parents can access our e-learning day procedures and policies listed below.

Asynchronous E-Learning Information

Bishop Chatard High School will implement asynchronous e-learning days for canceled school days due to unexpected weather or events. When this occurs, the campus will be closed.

  • Class Schedule: The schedule of classes can be found on the Bishop Chatard website and the student news app. Students only need to complete coursework for the classes scheduled on the cancellation date.
  • Course Format: Students will use their iPads or other electronic devices to access course content via Canvas. Classes scheduled for the canceled day will continue in a virtual format.
  • Pacing: Students can work through their assignments at their own pace, but they must adhere to due dates set by their teachers.
  • Limitations: Per IDOE guidelines, BCHS can use e-learning days a maximum of three times per school year.
If your child is ill, please follow the normal attendance protocol. (View How to Report a Student Absence.)

What should a student do on an Asynchronous eLearning Day?

Students will use Canvas for instructional materials. Students are expected to check every course in Canvas and complete attendance for each course by 10:00 a.m.

Attendance Procedure:

  • Each teacher will post an attendance form on their Canvas page, either a Google Form or Canvas Quiz.
  • Failure to complete this form will result in being marked unexcused for that class, and any submitted work will not receive credit.

Coursework Submission:

  • Students must complete and submit all assignments as defined by their teachers, adhering to the teacher’s specified deadlines.

Teacher Availability:

  • Teachers will be available for questions from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. via email or the Canvas discussion board.
  • Teachers will respond to student inquiries within one hour.

Updated March 2024

View Indiana Immunization Requirements from in.gov

Incoming Seniors
Timely attention to senior vaccines is important, especially the Meningococcal vaccines.

There are 2 different meningococcal vaccines (MCV4 and Meningococcal B).

  1. Seniors are REQUIRED by Indiana State law to have completed the 2-shot meningococcal (MCV4) series prior to the start of his/her Senior year. Note: individuals who receive dose 1 on or after the 16th birthday only need 1 dose of MCV4, per the Indiana State guidelines.
  2. Meningococcal B vaccinations are “recommended” for Senior year, however, most colleges and universities require the 2-shot series prior to admission.

If your senior has not received the above, please make arrangements to get these vaccines and forward proof of immunization to BCHS. County Health Departments can assist with these vaccinations.

Submitting Records to BCHS
Your student may bring immunization documentation to the Nursing office, or email documents to nurses@bishopchatard.org. Documents can also be faxed to 317-251-3648. Questions? Contact the School Nursing Office at 317-251-1451 ext. 2245, or email nurses@bishopchatard.org.

Timeframe for Immunizations
“Indiana Code 20-34-4-5 states that each school shall require parents to provide proof of student immunization status no later than the first day of school attendance. The same code also states that schools may grant one waiver for up to 20 days to allow students time to obtain the required school vaccines. Students who fail to comply with required school immunizations at the conclusion of this waiver period and who do not have a medical or religious exemption on file or other documentation indicating the immunizations are in progress are not in compliance with state law.”

To help prevent such issues, IDOH will be sending notices to parents of children who are missing one or more vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

To ensure the safety and well-being of all students, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis has established safety protocols for all employees and volunteers in its Catholic schools.

Volunteer Requirements
All adults volunteering for activities at Bishop Chatard where students are present must complete the online Child Safety Training program before volunteering.

Have you completed the SafeParish program at your parish?
If you have, you do not need to take it again. Please contact Matt Hilton at mhilton@bishopchatard.org for the next steps.

Start the Program
The Child Safety Training program is online and takes about 45 minutes to complete. You can access it at https://www.archindysafeparish.org/. Passcode is Archindy2021.

Bishop Chatard appreciates your willingness to volunteer. If you have questions about this program, please contact Matt Hilton at mhilton@bishopchatard.org.

Any parents who believe their family may qualify for the Free and Reduced School Meal Program and other benefits such as textbook assistance may apply for this program at any time throughout the school year.
Learn More about the program and application procedure

If you qualify for free/reduced school meals, contact BCHS Guidance Counselor Abbey Saurine (asaurine@bishopchatard.org) for information about SAT/ACT test fee waivers and possible college application waivers.

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

The BCHS Technology Department recommends your student set up a personal email account that you can then use to contact him/her during the school day. (Bishop Chatard student email accounts do not receive emails from anyone outside of the BCHS system.) Students who need help setting the iPad to view a personal email account are encouraged to contact the school Tech Counter.
Healthy Fences – Engage – Equip: Read this Archdiocese Safe Environment Newsletter on the vulnerabilities of using smartphones and how you can create a safe environment for your student and his/her use.
Archdiocese Safe-Environment Newsletter (pdf)
As required under 410 IAC 33, Ben Reilly, Vice Principal of School Operations, is designated as the Bishop Chatard High School Indoor Air Quality  Coordinator. Questions, complaints, or concerns dealing with indoor air quality are to be directed to Mr. Reilly, at 317-251-1451 Ext. 2279 or at breilly@bishopchatard.org. A copy of the basic state regulation and the Bishop Chatard High School supplement are on file in the main office. Employees, parents, and students may review the regulation there or read the regulation online at the Indiana Government website: www.in.gov.

Asbestos Notification
The Bishop Chatard High School school building is known to have asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) in various locations that are maintained in a safe condition with ongoing surveillance, re-inspections, and an ongoing operations and maintenance program according to law.

Indiana Non-Public Education Association (INPEA) brings to the forefront public policy and societal issues affecting non-public schools and families.

Visit www.inpea.org for more information.

All BCHS students are covered by an insurance plan that provides secondary coverage to existing family plans. Students are covered coming to and going from school as well as all school-sponsored activities. Further information can be obtained from Christa Wynk, Director of Business Operations, cwynk@bishopchatard.org or 317-251-1451, Ext. 2251.