Class of 2025 Yearbook Senior Ads
A popular BCHS tradition, Senior Congratulatory Ads, offers parents/guardians of seniors the opportunity to leave lasting well wishes to your graduate and the Class of 2025 in the Citadel, the BCHS yearbook. The money you pay continues to support the school and helps to defray the cost of the yearbook.
Updated Deadline: All ads need to be completed and paid for by Sunday, March 2, 2025 – This is a very firm deadline! We’d suggest not waiting until that day to be sure all your information and payment has been submitted!
- The school designs the ad (which allows you to drop off photos at the school)
- Design your ad with the help of Walsworth software walking you through the process
- Upload your own designed ad to Walsworth software
Read below before starting
- EVERYONE should start with the online form to enter your information. Go to the ‘Senior Ad’ area in the software..
- There is no way to save an incomplete ad in the Walsworth software. So, before beginning, have your photos, message and payment ready when you log onto the site. Ads must be completed and submitted at one time.
- Photos:
- Photos and messages can be added via the online portal. Or, you will also have the option in the software to choose to bring them into the school.
- Large photos will be re-sized to fit. We ask that no nude photos, regardless of age, be submitted. We especially like funny, entertaining baby photos.
- If bringing/mailing photos, we will scan them and return to you as soon as possible. Please include your name and contact as well as your senior’s name in any communication. Address any mailed items to Bishop Chatard High School, ATTN: Citadel Yearbook/Maggie Kassenbrock.
- Payment: Payment can be made online (PayPal or credit card) – or, during checkout, you can indicate that you are mailing in your payment. Make any checks payable to Bishop Chatard High School. Enter ‘yearbook ad’ in the memo line and mail or bring to: Bishop Chatard High School, ATTN: Citadel Yearbook/Maggie Kassenbrock, 5885 Crittenden Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46220.
- Ads will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, as space is limited. So, complete your ad request AND payment as soon as possible to reserve your space in The Citadel.
- The Walsworth software link below takes you to the Bishop Chatard High School Yearbook Ads page. There will be just one place that allows you to create a “Senior Ad”. It will walk you through the steps.
- Each senior receives a yearbook, so there is no need to purchase one.
- Due to our yearbook deadline, NO ADS CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE.
- Due to space limitations, we may have to reject ads if the limit is reached, so early submission is recommended.
- Your ad is not considered until payment is made.
Questions? Contact Maggie Kassenbrock, publications adviser, at or 317-251-1451 Ext. 2254.
Example showing Baby Ad sizes
Full Page/Vertical Rectangle (9″ x 12″): $285
Half Page/Horizontal Rectangle (9″ X 6″): $180
Quarter Page/Vertical Rectangle (4.5″ x 6″): $115
Eighth Page/Horizontal Rectangle (4.5″ x 3″): $70
A small processing fee is added in the software
Note: examples of various ads and sizes can also be found on pages 212-246 of your student’s 2023/2024 “Congrats to the Class of 2024” Citadel yearbook.