Community News

Bishop Chatard Community Events

Boys Basketball North Deanery Night: Jan. 31

North Deanery ball players: Join us as the Bishop Chatard Trojans take on rival Brebeuf at 6 pm on Thurs., Jan. 31, 2025! Watch this space for details about the evening where we welcome North Deanery players to join in the fun.

Summer Camps

Summer Camp Logo
Explore new interests, challenge imaginations, and hone current skills through our summer camps for students in grades 1-8.
Check back in early January for our list of camps. Registration will open later in January.

Community Events Around the North Deanery

Your event could be posted here. Send us information you’d like publicized.

BCHS Future Trojan Pass

Trojan Pass Logo

All North Deanery students receive a Bishop Chatard Future Trojan Pass, providing FREE admittance to Bishop Chatard drama productions, concerts, and home athletic events at the North Deanery high school! (Details are printed on the pass.) Passes for the 2024-2025 school year have been mailed to students on Bishop Chatard’s mailing list.

For details, or if you need to obtain a Future Trojan pass, email Please include the student’s name, school, grade, and mailing address. Thank you!

Visit Athletics to view the sports schedules.
Visit Theatre for performance information.
Visit Band & Choir for concert information.

North Deanery Parishes

Christ the King Parish logobigger IHMSt. AndrewSt Lawrence Parish logoSt Joan of Arc Parish LogoSt Luke Parish logoSt Matthew Parish LogoSt Pius X Parish LogoSt. Simon Parish LogoSt Thomas Aquinas Parish logo


Community Resources

Bishop Chatard Trojan Tots Preschool

Archdiocese of Indianapolis
CYO Camp Rancho Framasa
Marian University

INPEA logo
Indiana Non-Public Education Association (INPEA) brings to the forefront public policy and societal issues affecting non-public schools and families. Visit for more information.

Contact Margaret Ruffing,, for information about the BCHS contact to INPEA.