News & Events

What’s happening at Bishop Chatard?

Bishop Chatard is a vibrant campus, and the opportunities for involvement in academic, spiritual and extracurricular activities are as diverse as our student body.

These happenings generate a lot of news, and we are here to keep you informed.

Follow Bishop Chatard on Facebook and Twitter @BishopChatardHS or on Instagram at bishopchatardhighschool. Visit the parent and student portals for the latest school announcements, and check out our BCHS news page for recent student accomplishments and school news. Summer camp and North Deanery information is available on our community news page.

Do you have Bishop Chatard or North Deanery parish information that you would like us to share?
Email with your informaton. Thank you.

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 Meet the Staff

JT Funk
J.T. Funk

V.P. of Institutional Advancement
317-251-1451, ext 2260

Amy Hankins
Amy Hankins

Director of Marketing & Communications
317-251-1451, ext 2264

K Merritt
Kristen Merritt

Social Media Coordinator


Eileen Johnstone
Eileen Johnstone

Website Manager

Megan Greenlee
Megan Greenlee

Website Management Assistant