Announcements & Service Opportunities
Christian Service Opportunities
Area 1 Opportunities: Service to BCHS, Parish or Faith Community
- Mass Set-up Help: March 26 (Wednesday) Help set up for Mass! Join us on this morning to set up for Mass in the main gym at 7:15! We are offering one half hour of service for each week you are able to make it.
- Trojan Tots Service: After school each day: Sign Up Here
- Tutoring - Peer Tutor Club: If you are in National Honors Society/Spanish National Honors Society/SUMMA, if you need service hours, or if you just want to help your fellow classmates, then you can join the Peer Tutor Club! Fill out the survey and someone from Guidance will contact you when someone is looking for a tutor. Email Ms. Katra ( for more details.
Area 2 Opportunities: Service rooted in Catholic Social Teaching
- Blankets for the Homeless: March 25: Join Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Schroeder to create blankets for the homeless. Plan to meet in Room 205 after school on Tuesday, March 25 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sign up here!
- Holy Family Shelter: April 9: - Join Mrs. Brogan and Ms. Schroeder to serve at Holy Family Shelter on April 9th from 3:30 to 5:30! Sign up here!
- Serve at St. Vincent de Paul*
- Serve at Gleaners*
Pack the Chapel Weekly Events
Everyone is always welcome to join in prayer during these times:- March 23 (Mon): Communion Service, 8:30 am in the Chapel
- March 24 (Tues): Sacrament of Reconciliation: During B and C lunch in Campus Ministry with Father Jomy.
- March 25 (Wed): All School Mass, during Seminar A

Immersion Trips
Interested in putting your faith into action?Consider a Christian Immersion Trip (CSI). Campus Ministry offers a variety of trips during summer, fall, and spring breaks.
Read more about it

One Bread, One Cup
This is a five-day liturgical leadership conference at St. Meinrad in the summer. Rising sophomores through rising seniors will meet other young people from across the nation who are fired up about their faith.Leadership In Faith
- Service Ministries
- (Directory of Service Organizations)
- Retreat Team
- Peer Ministry
- Pro-Life Club
Contact Mr. Hilton if interested.
A rhythm of opportunities gives students a chance to enter into the liturgical life of the Church.Read More about it