Fall Play Auditions are Sept. 5, Crew signup is open

Calling all Actors! Audition sign ups for the 2024 Fall Play “Leaving Iowa” are open!
Auditions will be on Thursday, Sept. 5 and are open to all BCHS students. The performance is November 7, 8, and 9, 2024!

Please read this info before signing up!

Audition Details

  • For your audition, prepare a 1-minute comedic monologue. This must be memorized and must be from a play or musical, or a monologue book – not from a movie or TV show!
  • Callbacks will be September 6, after school. You will be notified after auditions if you get a callback.
Audition Signup Form

Email Mr. Z at tzavaleta@bishopchatard.org if you have any questions. If you can’t make it on Sept. 5th, you may do your audition on Sept. 6th before callbacks if you ask nicely!

Crew Signup

Do you want to work behind the scenes instead? Sign up for crew! (Note: you must be signed in to your BCHS email to open this link).
Crew Signup Form