When you let Bishop Chatard know of your planned gift, you become a Ave Maria Legacy Society member. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of our members, which will help ensure the future strength of Bishop Chatard High School for years to come.
As a result, you can experience the joy of giving and leave a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.

Your planned gift to Bishop Chatard can be funded with cash, retirement assets, life insurance, securities, tangible personal property and real estate. Depending on the type of gift you choose, planned giving can provide you with some or all of the following benefits:
- Tax savings for the charitable gift value
- Avoiding capital gains taxes on certain securities, retirement accounts and real estate
- Increased income from low-yield assets
- Lifetime income for you or your beneficiaries
- Reduced or eliminated estate taxes
- The joy of knowing your gift will benefit Bishop Chatard students.
Bishop Chatard might not receive the gift for many years to come. However, by making these intentions known, members provide BCHS with the opportunity to acknowledge their commitment now and help to ensure that their gift will be used in accordance with their wishes. The impact of your own planned gift, which qualifies you for membership in our Ave Maria Legacy Society, will last forever and impact generations of students at Bishop Chatard High School.
How do I become a member?
Joining Bishop Chatard’s Ave Maria Legacy Society is easy. Simply inform us in writing that you have included BCHS in your estate plans and provide us with one of the following pieces of documentation:
- A completed, signed Letter of Intent Confirmation
- A copy of the pertinent provisions in your will or trust
- A copy of the life insurance policy naming Bishop Chatard as beneficiary
- A letter from your attorney stating that you have included BCHS in your estate plans
Membership Benefits
Membership involves no dues, obligations or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others. Benefits of membership in the BCHS Ave Maria Legacy Society also include invitations to Ave Maria Legacy Society Mass and reception, and a lifetime Trojan Friendship Pass allowing access to home athletic games and drama productions and a listing in our Annual Report.
The most important benefit, however, that you will receive from joining the Ave Maria Legacy Society is the satisfaction derived from making a lasting contribution to Bishop Chatard’s long-term prosperity.
For more information contact Margaret Ruffing, Executive Director of Development, at mruffing@bishopchatard.org, 317-251-1451, ext. 2242.