Placement Test

High School Placement Test

All incoming freshman students applying to Bishop Chatard High School are required to take the High School Placement Test (HSPT). The results of the HSPT are used to appropriately place students in freshman-year classes.

Bishop Chatard is an open enrollment school committed to the Catholic mission of providing education to as many students as resources allow. All students, because they are made in the image and likeness of God, have infinite value and deserve a Bishop Chatard education.

Bishop Chatard uses the High School Placement Test, along with other academic resources, to help determine which classes and levels of classes a student should be placed in as an incoming freshman. The HSPT is not used at Bishop Chatard as an entrance exam.

Because an accurate assessment of each student’s academic progress plays an important role in the placement process, Bishop Chatard High School does not offer or recommend a preparation program for the placement test. Our philosophy is in line with that of the testing company (Scholastic Testing Service) which does not produce, endorse, or advocate a preparation program.
Read more about the HSPT®

OUR NEXT TEST: For 7th Grade Students

April 26, 2025

Bishop Chatard will provide 7th-grade students the opportunity to practice taking the HSPT on April 26, 2025. There is no charge for this opportunity and your student is welcome to use the results on their application for the BCHS Class of 2030. Many North Deanery grade schools will administer the 8th grade test at their schools in the fall. BCHS will also offer the opportunity to take the 8th grade test in November (test date to be determined).

  • Testing will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. and end no later than 11:30 a.m. Please check in at Door #1 (main lobby) between 8:10 – 8:25 am.
  • Students approved for extended time should check in no later than 7:45 am. Testing will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and finish no later than noon.
  • Students should bring a #2 pencil and a water bottle. Calculators are not permitted during the exam.
  • Deadline to register is April 22, 2025 or when full.
Register for the 7th Grade Placement Test

Parent Questions & Coffee: 8:30 a.m.
Parents: After you’ve dropped off your 7th grader for the test, join us in the main gym for a morning coffee and an informal chance to talk with BCHS administrators and staff. We’ll answer your questions about the test or any questions you may have about BCHS programs!

Extended Time for Eligible Students

Bishop Chatard offers extended time on the HSPT for those students who qualify. To be eligible for this accommodation, the student must have his/her psychological-educational evaluation and public or private service plan submitted to Karen Aruta, (email to or mail to BCHS, ATTN: Enrollment) no later than April 16.

Required documents are:

  • Current school year Individualized Education Plan (IEP) –or–
  • Current school year 504 plan –or–
  • Current school year public school service plan with psycho-educational testing results (ISP) –or–
  • Current school year private school education plan with psycho-educational testing results (CSEP)

Registering for this option is available in the registration form. Register early for this accommodation as spaces are limited.

Scores and Missed Tests

Bishop Chatard shares and receives HSPT scores from other schools the student is applying to in the Indianapolis area. It is not necessary to take the exam at all schools.

Because the HSPT is a required part of the admission application for incoming freshmen, any prospective student who misses the opportunity to take the exam prior to the end of his/her 8th grade year will need to take the exam either in the spring or summer.

Questions? Contact Karen Aruta, Enrollment Manager, at or feel free to call anytime at 317-251-1451, Ext. 2234.