Dads: Bring your student to Dad’s Day Breakfast on Mon., April 28, 2025, in the BCHS Cafeteria. Enjoy breakfast, spend quality time with your student(s), and listen to an inspiring speaker.
Our speaker will be Pete Burak, Vice President of Renewal Ministries, an organization which seeks to foster growth in holiness and evangelization with the power of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of souls. Pete will be sharing his insights on growing together as a family in prayer.
The Details
- Doors open at 6:30 am.
- The speaker begins at 7:00 am
- The morning will be over no later than 8:15 am
Please RSVP by April 24, so we can plan for the breakfast food.
This event is sponsored by BCHS Campus Ministry. Questions? Contact Matt Hilton at mhilton@bishopchatard.org