Tuition Schedule


  • Tuition payments as well as financial aid applications are made through FACTS
  • View Details here

2024/2025 Tuition and Fees

Category One Student Two Students Three Students
Archdiocesan Rate (a) $12,075 $22,300 $28,800
Non-Archdiocesan Rate $14,875 $27,900 $37,200
Other Fees:
Capital Assessment (b) $595 (per family)
Book & Technology Fee $450 (per student)
Freshmen/New Student One Time iPad Fee $150
Senior Graduation Fee for Class of 2024 & 2025 $150
Senior Retreat Fee $200
Junior Retreat Fee $250
Sophomore Retreat Fee $175
Freshman Retreat Fee $65
AP Fee $95 per class
Art Fee $40 per class
Discounts :
2025/26 Early Pay Discount (pay in full (cash/check) by July 15, 2025) 5% of amount due, up to $200/family
Archdiocesan Full-Time Employee Discount (c) $1000
Textbook Assistance Credit
(If qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch)
Multi-Student (already figured in tuition rates above) NA $925 per child $2,475 per child
  • The Archdiocesan Rate is for families that qualify as participating members in one of the Indianapolis archdiocesan parishes. We send a listing to the archdiocesan parishes of families that attend Bishop Chatard for the verification of their parish affiliation. Each parish has their own criteria for parishioner verification and Bishop Chatard has no influence over the parish decision.
  • The capital assessment fee is a per-family fee, no matter how many siblings attend the school. The capital assessment is designed to provide funds for major building and/or renovation projects, and is part of the non-refundable deposit made at the time of registration.
  • If the person responsible for paying a student’s tuition is a full time employee in any archdiocesan parish, then he or she is allowed a discount of $1,000 per student. Eligibility must be verified annually using the Employee Verification Form.
    Download Current Employee Verification Form