Support the fall Blood Drive at BCHS by donating blood! Each donation saves up to 3 local Hoosier lives!
- When: Friday, October 11, 2024 – 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Where: BCHS Auxiliary Gym
- Who: Anyone 16 and older and 110 pounds or more can donate. Most meds accepted.
- Student donors will receive 2 CST (Area 2: Service rooted in Catholic Social Teaching) Service Hours
- All attempting donors will receive a Nirvana ‘Come as you are’ T-shirt.
How Tos
Students who are 16 years old: A parent/guardian must complete and sign the Consent form. Bring the completed form with you when donating.
Parent Consent Form -
EVERYONE: Register for a donation time at donate.indiana.versiti.org:
Register Here -
BRING PROPER PHOTO ID that shows your birthday with you when donating. (A driver’s license is the best)
Eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before donating.. You will receive a pass from class to the aux gym for your donation time on the day of the event. Once you’ve donated, had a small snack, and rested for a few minutes you will head back to class.
- More donor information is available at Versiti.org, the Blood Center of Indiana.
Adult Donors
Please bring photo ID that includes your birthdate.