Welcome to the BCHS Music Program
About BCHS Music
Bishop Chatard offers student musicians the opportunity to learn and showcase their talents through participation in the school Concert Band, Concert Choir, A Capella Choir, and Vox Triano.
All students interested in learning more about the performing arts at Bishop Chatard are encouraged to contact the school.
Are you the parent of a BCHS musician seeking to connect with other ‘musical’ parents, to learn what’s happening, and to support the Music Program? We invite you to the Music Booster Club!

2025-26 Academic Course Offerings
- Concert Band, Concert Band Honors
- Beginning Piano and Electronic Keyboard
- Applied Music: Guitar
- Applied Music: Ukulele
- Beginning Men’s Chorus
- Beginning Women’s Chorus
- Intermediate Chorus Vox Troiano (Honors)
- Advanced Chorus A Cappella Choir (Honors) (Sounds of Silas)
- View Full Course Descriptions in our Course Catalog
Our Unique Zero Period / Seminar Program
As academic courses fill a student’s schedule, it can often be difficult to fit an academic music course or ensemble into the daily schedule of classes. At Bishop Chatard, our unique before-school Zero Period/Seminar Option allows the flexibility for musicians to participate in a musical ensemble, either Concert Band or Vox Troiano, and still balance a rigorous academic course load.
The Vox Troiano ensemble rehearsals also follow a Zero Period/Seminar schedule: meeting 4 times a week – two during Zero Period and two during Seminar. Participants in this ensemble receive .5 fine arts credit per semester.
BCHS Ensembles
Concert Band

Concert Band is the instrumental ensemble of Bishop Chatard High School, currently open to wind, string, and percussion instrumentalists of all grade and ability levels. The Concert Band explores and performs literature from many musical genres and eras for a variety of seasonal concerts, events (on and off campus), and select varsity sports contests. The band also provides music for all-school Mass in rotation with other ensembles.
Concert Band is offered during the standard academic day and also available via the Zero Period/Seminar option to appease the academic requirements. Students enrolled in the academic band period are welcomed and encouraged to attend Zero Period/Seminar band rehearsals, as well. After 2 semesters are completed, participants may enroll in the Concert Band for Honors credit.
See page 5 in the Music Handbook for further details.
Jazz Band
Jazz Band is an extra-curricular instrumental ensemble open to all instrumentalists who are interested in exploring and performing literature and improvisation techniques in the Jazz genre. This ensemble rehearses after school on Mondays in Music Room 115. Brand new in the 2nd semester of the 2021-22 school year, the Jazz Band performs at seasonal concerts and beyond as it expands and grows.
Vox Troiano

Vox Troiano is the select, advanced, mixed, soprano-alto-tenor-bass (SATB) chorale (large chorus) of Bishop Chatard High School. The ensemble explores and performs literature from many musical genres and eras for a variety of seasonal concerts and events (on and off campus), and also provides music for all-school Mass in rotation with other ensembles. Membership is gained through audition (open to grades 9-11) in early spring. Participants will receive .5 fine arts credit per semester. After 2 semesters are completed, participants may enroll in Vox Troiano for Honors credit.
Vox Troiano is offered via the Zero Period/Seminar rehearsal schedule: four times a week – two during the Zero Period and two during Seminar.
Sounds of Silas

Sounds of Silas (academic course title: A Cappella Choir) is the select, advanced chamber choir of Bishop Chatard High School. It is offered as an Honors-level class (fall and spring semesters) during the regular, academic schedule. Sounds of Silas explores and performs chamber literature (small chorus) from many musical genres and eras for a variety of seasonal concerts and events (on and off campus). The choir also provides music for all-school Mass in rotation with other ensembles.
Membership is gained through audition (open to grades 9-11) in early spring.
Women’s Chorus
Women’s Chorus studies and develops vocal health and musicianship, and explores and performs literature from many musical genres and eras suited for the treble voice (soprano and alto) for a variety of seasonal concerts and events. They also provide music for all-school Mass in rotation with other ensembles. Membership is open to all girls, grades 9-12, at the beginning, intermediate, or advanced level of vocal musicianship. After 2 semesters are completed, participants may enroll in the Women’s Chorus for Honors credit.
Men’s Chorus
Men’s Chorus studies and develops vocal health and musicianship, and explores and performs literature from many musical genres and eras arranged for male voices (tenor and bass) for a variety of seasonal concerts and events. Men’s Chorus also provides music for all-school Mass in rotation with other ensembles. Membership is open to all boys, grades 9-12, at the beginning, intermediate, or advanced level of vocal musicianship. After 2 semesters are completed, participants may enroll in Men’s Chorus for Honors credit.
Student-Led Ensembles
More information to come on this new endeavor!
View complete information in our Music Handbook.
Music is the soundtrack of the most impactful and meaningful moments of our lives. Music heightens our sensibilities and sensitivities – it rends our hearts. Music enhances and amplifies our prayer, and our spirituality, and draws us closer to Him. We need better music – better choices, better artists, better artistry. Where will we get that? We will get that from the servant-hearted, caretaker musicians of Bishop Chatard High School, our children. –Mr. Duray

- Concert Band: Silver Rating ISSMA
- Vox Troiano: Silver Rating ISSMA, Gold Rating: Sight reading
- Vox Troiano Choir: Indiana State School Music Association State: Gold Star
- Band: Gold Star Rating at the ISSMA Organizational Festival, Group III, in both performance and sight-reading.
- Vox Troiano Choir: Indiana State School Music Association State Qualifications Group 1: Gold Star
- Concert Band: ISSMA Organizational Festival Group III: Gold Rating
Music Department Awards
The Music Department recognizes the accomplishments of students who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership and effort in musicianship and service.
Varsity Letter
Varsity letters are awarded to student musicians who have completed 6 semesters of participation in a music ensemble here at Bishop Chatard High School.
John Philip Sousa Award
This is the national school band award, whereby the recipient is recognized for leadership and musicianship within the ensemble and is selected through a vote by fellow members of his/her ensemble.
National School Orchestra Award
This is the national school orchestra award, whereby the Orchestra Award recipient is recognized for leadership and musicianship within the ensemble and is selected through a vote by fellow members of his/her ensemble.
Fred Waring Award
This is the national school choral award, whereby the recipient is recognized for leadership and musicianship within the ensemble and is selected through a vote by fellow members of his/her ensemble.
Music Boosters

For more information, feel free to contact our BCHS Music Booster Coordinator, Mrs. Judy Lam, jkinglam@gmail.com or 317-985-4427 with any questions.
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