Extracurricular and Leadership Opportunities
Explore Who You Want To Be: Student Life at BCHS 2024
Our Clubs and Activities
Student Ambassadors

Bishop Chatard Student Ambassadors aid the school by being ‘representatives’ for the school at various events throughout the year. You’ll see them in action at the BCHS Open House, leading tours or guiding you to the next event. They are committed to the mission values of the school and bring that message to the community. The Student Ambassador Program is a great way to serve the school while developing life-long leadership skills.
Requirements: Open by application to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Major Activities: Open House and other advancement/admissions activities as determined by the school calendar.
Art Club

The Art Club is a club where students can mix artistic creativity with service. Art has the potential to brighten lives and foster change. The BCHS Art Service Club endeavors to use the creative talents of our students to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Requirements: Open to all
Major Activities: The Memory Project; making Valentine’s cards for St. Augustine’s residents and other projects where students can serve through art.
BCHS for Kids

BCHS for Kids is an organization focused on helping children at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital as well as one other organization chosen each year that also serves children in need. Each Fall, a service project is completed for Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. BCHS for Kids hosts the dance/social event in January each school year. To be a part of this group, all you need is to care about helping children.
Requirements: Open to all.
Major Activities: Many fundraising and dancer recruitment activities, planning and participating in the BCHS for Kids service project for Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital (fall) and dance/social (January).
Best Buddies

BCHS Best Buddies is a group of students that works to bring about awareness and appreciation for the population of individuals in our world diagnosed with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD). Best Buddies Club focuses on building friendships between people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities.
We partner with Washington Township Special Olympic athletes to participate in Bingo evenings, PenPal writing, Unified Bowling (Reigning State Champs), and additional outings during the year.
Creative Writing Club
Moderator: Katie HiltonCreative Writing Club is a place for students to share creative work in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry and is designed for anyone interested in writing, from the novice to the expert. Students will gather with other writers to discuss their craft, participate in writing exercises, learn about giving effective feedback, and explore the writing and revision process through group and individual workshops.
Requirements: Open to all.
Major Activities: Monthly meetings
Film Club
Moderator: Tristan ZavaletaLike a book club for movies! We pick (based on a vote) one movie per month for members to watch on their own, and then we meet to have a discussion!
Requirements: Open to all.
Gaming Club
Moderator: Joseph Knight, Tristan Zavaleta, Charlie WesselThe Gaming Club meets in the cafeteria after school once a week to play a variety of video games, old and new.
Requirements: Open to all.
Hiking Club

The Hiking Club allows students to explore hiking spots around Central Indiana! Transportation is provided by BCHS.
Requirements: Open to all with a love for the outdoors!
Improv Comedy Team

The BCHS Balding Eagles are an improv comedy troupe that performs improv shows 1-2 times a month. The BCHS team has had great success throughout the years. In 2013, they were the state champions!
Why improvisation? Besides teaching teamwork AND having fun, improvisation develops performance skills that can carry over in many life situations: listening, communication, being in the moment, and thinking on your feet.
Requirements: Open to all for tryouts. Each year we take 3-6 new members.
Major Activities: Practices on Fridays. Shows 1-2 times per month. Visit the Team’s home page
International Food Club
Moderator: Mr. HiltonThe International Food Club meets once a month to go out to eat at various ethnic restaurants in Indy. We meet at BCHS, leaving by 4:50 p.m.
Requirements: Students must RSVP to Mr. Hilton for a headcount. No other requirements are needed, other than a love of eating and wanting to try new foods.
Investment Club
Moderator: Renae StoudtThis club plays the ‘Stock Market Game’ through the Indiana Economic Education Council (ICEE). Each student team gets a fictional $100,000 to invest in stocks/mutual funds of their own choosing. The games are online. Learn about stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; compete; listen to experts in the field about investing! Everyone will earn money, but what will you do with it?
Requirements: Open to all.
Major Activities: The game is played twice a year, usually in October – December and February – April.
View article about the success of club members in the Fall 2023 Competition
Latin Club

Moderator: Jeff Wise
Participation in the Latin Club is a way for students to expand their knowledge of the ancient world and engage with Latin students and teachers from around the state. There are opportunities for competitions and conventions, as well as national and international travel.
Requirements: Open to any Latin students
Meetings: The club meets several times a year to prepare for the competitions.
Math Club
Moderator: Katie Schaffner, Matt GreenThe Math Club is a group of math students who enjoy math competitions and want to get better at them. Club members participate in online competitions (usually on Wednesdays) with other schools around the country for nine weeks in the fall and six weeks in the spring. The club meets during Seminar time and works 7-8 problems in 30 minutes. They also take the AMC test one school day morning in November with the hopes of scoring high enough to advance to the next level. As a club, we consider other competitions around the state and decide whether to compete in them. They are usually on Saturdays.
Requirements: Open to any student, especially those who enjoy math.
Mock Trial
Moderator: Lisa JohnsonMock Trial is a club for those interested in law, prosecution, and the justice system. Taking on the roles of attorneys and witnesses, students experience in-depth, hands-on learning, leading to an appreciation of our society’s approach to dispute resolution and justice. Students take case background information and witness statements and apply them to the law. They craft arguments, support them through testimony and physical evidence, and present it to a panel of attorneys, judges, and community members who evaluate their arguments and presentations.
Requirements: Open to any student interested.
Model United Nations

Bishop Chatard participates with other high schools in the IUPUI Model U.N., the oldest continuing Model U.N. in the nation. Students represent different countries. After researching their country, students draft a resolution to deal with a problem their country shares with other nations. At Model U.N., students debate and negotiate international issues.
Requirements: Open to all grades. Sign-ups are announced in September. Activities are held in the spring. There is a modest fee for this opportunity.
Major Activities: Participation in a mock session of the United Nations.
National Honor Society
Moderator: Max HorriganMembership in the National Honor Society is a valued mark of distinction and is based upon excellence in four pillar areas: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The Father Casey Chapter of the National Honor Society has been in existence since 1965. Current members contribute to our community in several important ways, including service activities and being role models of academic excellence and well-rounded values.
Requirements: Membership is by application and selection by a committee. Must have and maintain a 3.6 GPA or above to apply. Must participate in a formal induction ceremony once a year. Must uphold and become a model for academic honesty and disciplinary integrity. Must responsibly conduct oneself and adhere to the character values of BCHS.
Major Activities: Tutoring and mentoring of underclassmen. Annual induction ceremony.
Pro-Life Club

The Pro-Life Club is inspired by Jesus Christ who came that all might have abundant life. (John 10:10). This group advocates for the sanctity of all life at all times and in all circumstances, particularly through the lens of the Catholic Church. Members model and facilitate meaningful dialogue at school about moral issues; coordinate formation events for club members and the greater Trojan community; and participate in local and national formation, advocacy, and service events that promote a holistic pro-life stance.
Requirements: Open to all.
Sustainable Stewards

The BCHS Green Team coordinates school-wide recycling.
Requirements: Open to anyone willing to empty recycling boxes to the outdoor bin on a regular basis.
Spanish Club

The Spanish Club allows its members to learn an appreciation of other cultures and experience Latin American customs and cuisine. Students participate in a wide variety of activities and events to provide a wide breadth of experience with Spanish-speaking traditions, as well as participation in special events in the Hispanic community.
Requirements: Open to all students taking Spanish
Major Activities: Participation in the International Festival, preparation of typical foods, creation of projects to bring Hispanic cultural knowledge to Bishop Chatard, community events relating to Hispanic residents such as the Day of the Dead exhibit in October and a December celebration of La Virgen de Guadalupe, as well as other holiday celebrations. Service projects, through La Plaza and other Indianapolis Hispanic organizations, are also encouraged.
Spanish National Honor Society: Capitulo Manuel Zapata Olivella Chapter
Moderator: Lisa DibrellThe Manuel Zapata Olivella chapter of the Spanish National Honor Society was started in 2015 so that high-achieving language students could:
- could improve language skills and cultural knowledge in a non-classroom setting
- Become a community of teachers to educate the school about Hispanophone topics and to promote a mindset of diversity
- Become a community of givers and contributors to those in need
- Become tutors of language, to promote excellence in Spanish language
- Highlight Spanish academic achievements at Bishop Chatard
The chapter is named after Manuel Zapata Olivella who was a doctor, anthropologist, folklorist, diplomat, and writer from Colombia. Zapata Olivella is the most important representative of Afro-Colombian literature and one of the most distinguished figures in contemporary Colombian literature. In their society pledge, members promise to devote themselves to the study of the Spanish language in order to master it, remembering that a language can be a strong tie between persons of differing origins of race or religion. They promise to promote friendship and understanding between our country and the other lands of the world.
Speech Team
Moderator: Emily Parsons, Sarah Fulton
The Speech Team will focus on helping students build speaking and writing skills. Those involved in the club will have two-hour practices and compete in meets on Saturdays. The practices can be scheduled after school or before school during zero time. The team will have two meets a month from October to March, minus the holiday break.
“Joining the team will help students improve their memorization, improvisation, reading, writing, and speaking skills. This can lead to better grades in high school, a more successful college experience, and a better career path. Someone who can speak with authority and eloquence will always enjoy an advantage.”
Student Council
Moderator: Joseph Knight, Beth SchaferStudent Council is involved in many school activities, including but not necessarily limited to spirit-building activities, and provide service to the broader BCHS community.
Requirements: Student Council officers are elected by the student body at the end of the school year for the upcoming school year. Any student in good standing with the school may choose to run for office. Officers are expected to provide the bulk of the planning and guidance of Student Council responsibilities. However, any student can be of help with Student Council activities and can attend the meetings. All are encouraged to aid in preparing the activities.
Major Activities: Homecoming Spirit Week, Homecoming Dance, Canned Food Drive, Catholic Schools Week, Talent Show.
Black Student Union
Moderator: Amanda Horan
BSU is an active, long-standing BCHS organization guided by students to celebrate diversity within the BCHS student body and community. The mission of the Bishop Chatard Black Student Union is to spread awareness of the exciting culture of African Americans. We also strive to create a stronger community through forming a support system for Black and other minority students.
Requirements: ALL students of BCHS are invited to become involved in the Black Student Union. Members exercise significant influence over the activities of the organization and learn valuable leadership skills while enjoying the fellowship of a fun and diverse group of BCHS students.
Major Activities: Monthly community-building meetings, promoting education and discussions about race and culture, cultural field trips, planning Black History Month celebrations
Latinos Unidos (Latino Student Union)
Moderator: Rafael QuinteroLatinos Unidos (Latin Student Union) seeks to build community and celebrate Latino culture and heritage through engaging discussions, programming, and activities. The club is responsible for coordinating the school’s annual celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month as well as an all-school Spanish Mass. The club and its activities are open to all BCHS students!
Requirements: All are welcome.
Thespian Society
Moderator: Tristan ZavaletaTo be a member of the Thespian Society you need to acquire 10 points. You can do so by being involved in our two productions, the Fall Play and the Spring Musical, either by acting or working on the crew. You can also do so by attending shows outside of Bishop Chatard. There are no requirements to become involved in the plays. We welcome anyone to audition or apply for a crew position!
Major Activities: Fall Play, Spring Musical, Improv Team, North Deanery Fall and Spring Acting Workshops, Regional Thespian Conference, New Play Festival, and Senior Directed One Acts. The Society tries to see an outside productions at least once a semester.
Trivia Club
Moderator: Emily ParsonsMembers of the club form teams of 1-3 members and compete to answer questions on a variety of topics. Trivia Club has a fall and spring season, with each season consisting of five weekly matches.
Requirements: This club is open to all students and faculty.
Trobotics Club

You’ll find a lot of excitement around the BCHS Trojan Robotics program, commonly known as ‘Trobotics’! Students on the Trobotics team work in small groups to design, construct, and program robots. During the construction and later, during competition, they learn teamwork, and social skills as well as technical expertise! The team competes in several VEX robotics competitions across the state of Indiana starting in the fall until March. The team is competitive, evidenced by 8 straight years of qualifying and competing in the state championship as well as two trips to the Vex World Championship.
Requirements: Open to all.
Activities: The team practices twice a week after school for 2 hours with additional time before competitions.
Video of Fall 2023 High Maintenance Robot in action
2023 Team at World Championship
2021 Team in State Competition
Trojan Wellness Club
Moderator: Traci RodgersThe Trojan Wellness Club is an opportunity for students to find peace in the mind, body, and spirit. Students enjoy the opportunity to let go of stress during their demanding schedules.
Requirements: No requirements or experience necessary
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Moderator: Max Horrigan
New for 2022-2023: The Ultimate Club is on its way to becoming a club sport like boy’s volleyball or lacrosse.
Organizations and Special Events
Blood Drive
Moderator: TBDSenior class officers and any other interested seniors organize the yearly Blood Drive at BCHS. The drive takes place in early spring and is open to the public and any BCHS students who are eligible to donate.
Requirements: The event is organized by seniors and senior class officers
Class Officers- Freshmen
Moderator: Joseph Knight, Katherine EckartThe Freshman Class officers serve as Student Council members while the newest class of Bishop Chatard students adjust to high school life. They serve as liaisons with other members of the Student Council and on behalf of their class with moderators, staff, and administration. This group is also instrumental in enabling the freshman class to get to know one another through social activities and service projects. The Freshman Class Officers are the driving force on which the moderators depend for class inspiration, dedication, contributions of time and leadership, and for positive examples.
Requirements: Candidates can be any freshman who is in good standing at BCHS. Those elected by their classmates will serve as Freshman Class Officers/Representatives. Freshmen are elected early in the new school year and are expected to maintain a 2.0 GPA and have a minimum number of disciplinary infractions.
Major Activities: Class competitions, Class activities, Freshman Orientation Part I, Holla Dance, voicing the needs of the freshmen to the student council and the staff.
Class Officers- Sophomores
Moderator: Katie Hilton, Katie SchaffnerThe Sophomore Class officers serve as Student Council members to suggest ideas and address concerns on behalf of their fellow classmates with the school staff and administration. Officers coordinate the selection of the class motto, song, Scripture, and flower. They also serve as the primary organizers of the Sophomore Class Ring Ceremony, which occurs in December.
Requirements: Candidates can be any upcoming sophomore who is in good standing at BCHS. Those elected by their classmates will serve as Sophomore Class Officers/Representatives. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the Ring Ceremony or other activities is welcome at the meetings.
Major Activities: Sophomore Class Ring Ceremony in December, MORP, Canned Food Drive
Class Officers- Juniors- Prom Committee
Moderator: Chelsea Sinclair, Abbey SaurineThe Junior Class officers serve as Student Council members to suggest ideas and address concerns on behalf of their fellow classmates with the school staff and administration. They also serve as the primary organizers of the Prom Committee, the responsibility of the Junior Class.
Requirements: Candidates can be any upcoming junior who is in good standing at BCHS. Those elected by their classmates will serve as Junior Class Officers/Representatives. Anyone interested in helping plan prom is welcome at the meetings, with those who help more in the fall and winter given more authority when making decisions for prom in the spring.
Major Activities: Planning of prom, Junior spirit activities, Halloween-o-Grams and Valentine’s Day carnations.
Class Officers- Seniors
Moderator: Lisa Barnes, Beth BroganThe Senior Class officers serve as Student Council members in their important role as leaders of the school and student body to suggest ideas and address concerns on behalf of their fellow classmates with the school staff and administration. They also serve as the primary organizers of the Blood Drive, which falls under the responsibility of the Senior Class. In addition, they are instrumental in the planning and implementation of senior-specific activities, such as Living Rosary, class spirit shirts, Homecoming class activities, and graduation activities.
Requirements: Candidates can be any upcoming senior who is in good standing at BCHS. Those elected by their classmates will serve as Senior Class Officers/Representatives.
Major Activities: Help with the Blood Drive (coordinated as a separate event by teacher Aryn Stack), spearheading senior efforts in class competitions, and graduation-related items.
Peer Ministry
Moderator: Brian ShaughnessySeniors in the Peer Ministry Program are paired with freshmen homerooms (in pairs or trios) to build relationships with the students from freshmen orientation until the last week of classes. The program aims to provide the newest members of our school community guidance, support, and affirmation, along with the wisdom that comes from experience. At the same time, the senior mentors develop important leadership skills and ‘pay forward’ the blessings they’ve received while at Bishop Chatard. Peer ministers go through formation and engage freshmen in conversation, plan activities, share meals, and accompany the freshmen in their assigned homerooms.
Requirements: Peer Ministers are seniors, interviewed by Campus Ministry to make sure they are a good fit and that they represent the student body at large. They are trained and receive ongoing formation.
Major Activities: Peer Ministers help facilitate the Freshman Orientation, visit Freshman homeroom every day the first 2 weeks of school to mingle and get to know the freshmen, and at least once every two weeks thereafter.
Summer Field Studies
Moderator: Ben ReillyBCHS students are invited to participate in this two-week summer program offered through the curriculum of Roncalli High School. The program is one part academics, one part adventure, and one part retreat. Students hike, climb, camp, cook, swim, raft, backpack, play, and pray in a uniquely challenging program that teaches students to respect themselves, to become leaders, and to work to achieve their dreams. Over 2,500 students have participated in the past 33 years.
Requirements: Open to students completing their junior or senior year
Major Activities: Two-week trip to various National Parks in the Rockies in the summer.
St. Augustine's Prom
Moderator: Marilynn FaganEach year students plan and attend a Prom for residents at the St. Augustine’s Retirement Home. Students decorate the main hall at the St. Augustine Home for the event. Each student attending is an escort for a resident of the St. Augustine Home. Prom pictures are taken and distributed to the residents in attendance. Students involved dance the evening away with the residents and fellow students. It is one of the most memorable events of the year.
Requirements: Open to all.
Major Activities: Prom is held in the Spring.