Bishop Chatard High School is directed and dedicated to the success of each student. As part of its mission to the students, Bishop Chatard offers an academic support program to those students who qualify for an education plan.
Services address a range of student needs to enhance learning and increase overall student success. These educational opportunities are planned and directed by our full-time Director of Academic Support.
Bishop Chatard’s academic support services include:
- Bishop Chatard High School Education Plan
The preparation of an individualized Bishop Chatard High School education plan for academic accommodations and services is created from a current psycho-educational evaluation with school-based recommendations, an Individual Educational Plan/Individual Service Plan, and/or a current medical diagnosis from the student’s physician. Bishop Chatard offers a four-year educational experience for those students working towards either an Indiana Core 40 diploma or an Indiana Certificate of Completion. - Academic Resource Center (ARC)
A distraction-free assessment environment for extended-time exams, audio text and/or dictation for assessments, and notetaking services is available at the ARC. - Standardized assessment accommodations
Eligibility for accommodations on state and national standardized tests is determined with proper documentation and obtained through the Academic Support office. - Temporary education plans
Temporary medical conditions may allow for academic and student-life accommodations when requested and documented by a physician.
In 2023-24, 25% of Bishop Chatard’s student body was served by the Academic Support Program. 48% of seniors in the Class of 2024 who participated in the Academic Support Program earned Academic Honors Diplomas.
Academic Support for Incoming Students
Parents of students interested in attending Bishop Chatard who would like to be considered for Academic Support services are asked to send the student’s psychological-educational evaluation and public or private service plan to:
Bishop Chatard H. S.
Attn: Beth Brogan, Director of Academic Support
5885 N. Crittenden Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46220
High School Placement Exam
Extended time is available for eighth-grade students taking the High School Placement Exam at Bishop Chatard. For more information, contact Beth Brogan, Director of Academic Support, at (317) 251-1451 ext. 2252, or e-mail