Enrichment Activities
Programs available that will introduce you to a profession or skill, or boost your academic skills in an area you need help or an area you’d like to explore.
Leadership Activities
Often involve taking a leadership role in an organized activity or learning how to become a leader. These could range from camp leader opportunities to joining a board or committee focused on a subject.
In addition to expanding your experience and discovering your interests, leadership and enrichment activities are good items to add to your college resume.
As BCHS receives these activities, we will post them on this page. If you have something in mind, contact your school counselor and she will be able to help you find a program.
Also in the handout, on page 62, is a list of youth employment opportunities, including summer jobs.
Other summer programs begin on page 42.
Project Indy is comprised of a network of community organizations, employers, and corporate partners who are providing job opportunities, soft-skill development and job-readiness training to in-school and out-of-school youth in Marion County.
Mayor Joe Hogsett has created Project Indy to help connect youth to jobs in Indianapolis.
Read more about Project Indy with online application at projectindy.net Find out more at jobreadyindy.orgAn amazing community-based organization in Indianapolis, the Center for Leadership Development, has incredible opportunities set up to help students be successful and capitalize on amazing networking opportunities. BCHS has had several students receive full-tuition scholarships to colleges and universities through their Emerging Scholars Program.
Sophomores through Seniors are eligible to register now for Self-Discovery, which is required before participating in Emerging Scholars. Please consider taking part in this if you are able. There are also other programs available for younger students.
Visit cldinc.orgExploring is implemented through local Boys Scouts of America counsels.
In May 2022, Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors were emailed an Interest Survey “Exploring” which will give them the opportunity to participate in career exploration programs offered in their areas of interest next fall. The survey is also available in the School Counseling canvas course.
Go to www.exploring.orgIt is a free resource that ‘opens doors’ among teens, their families, schools to Indiana programs and opportunities.
Listed in the portal are opportunities for enrichment, experiences and leadership. ‘Open the Door’ to build your resume, explore your passion, and connect with ways to serve.
Go to Exploradoor.com
Eli Lilly, BSA Lifestructures and One America are just a few of the companies offering Exploring Posts, many of which start this week! But students can register anytime. Guidebooks are being distributed to Sophomores and Juniors, and are also available for any student to pick up in the Guidance Office.
Go to www.crossroadsbsa.org/programs/exploring/
Tutoring and Test Prep Opportunities
The Indiana Department of Education is partnering with Schoolhouse.world to support students in grades eight through 12 with free tutoring.
Schoolhouse.world, developed by the founder of Khan Academy, provides high-quality virtual tutoring to thousands of learners worldwide – completely for free. Tutoring is available for SAT preparation, math courses and Advanced Placement (AP) courses, supporting students in grades eight through 12.
Live small-group tutoring via Zoom will focus on SAT reading, writing and math as well as AP course tutoring in calculus, statistics, chemistry, biology, physics and computer science.
Go to Schoolhouse.world
Each year, BCHS lists private tutors and companies that have advertised their services to us. BCHS counseling
department does not vouch for the effectiveness of these services nor do we negotiate fees.
Visit askrose.org